PRIVACY POLICY AND DATA PROTECTION In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) and its implementing regulations, as well as Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, we provide you with the following information of interest regarding the processing of your personal data: DATA CONTROLLER: Your data will be processed by Paco Gramaje, with NIF: 20162131D and address at CARRER ENCARNACIÓ 180 A 3 08025 – BARCELONA, with email:
  • DATA PROTECTION OFFICER: The data controller has appointed Francisco Javier Gramaje Calatayud as the data protection officer. PURPOSE OF PROCESSING AND LEGITIMATION: Paco Gramaje Studio informs you that it will only use your data for legitimate purposes, such as:
    1. Compliance with our contractual and/or commercial relationship: Your data will be processed to maintain and fulfill the obligations arising from our contractual and/or commercial relationship.
    2. Compliance with legal obligations (Tax Agency, legal actions, etc.)
    3. Sending informative communications about possible incidents or computer security breaches.
    For any other purpose that has been previously and expressly authorized by you, such as:
    • Sending offers and commercial promotions about our products and/or services.
    • Transferring your data to companies within the group, as previously informed.
    • Sending offers and promotions from other companies within the group, as previously informed.
    • Participating in the personnel selection processes carried out by this entity if you have sent us your resume or applied for selection processes.
    • Creating a commercial profile based on the information provided by you in order to show or send you personalized advertising based on your consumption habits and/or preferences. This profile can be created through cookies or any other means. In any case, automated decisions based on this profile that have legal or significant effects on you will not be made.
    TO WHOM WILL WE PROVIDE YOUR DATA? Your data may be transferred or communicated to those entities or administrations that are strictly necessary to provide you with the contracted services or maintain the freely accepted commercial relationship, to those entities or administrations to which we are obligated to do so in compliance with any law, as well as to those entities or administrations that you have expressly authorized us. DATA RETENTION PERIOD: Your data will be kept for the duration of our contractual and/or commercial relationship, the time necessary to comply with the corresponding legal obligations, and the statute of limitations for relevant legal actions. In any case, we will proceed to delete your data when you request its deletion in accordance with the terms provided by law. YOUR RIGHTS: You can exercise any of the following rights by sending us a written request along with a photocopy of your ID/passport to the following address: Paco Gramaje Studio, CARRER ENCARNACIÓ 180 A 3 08025 – BARCELONA, or by email: Information: You can ask us to inform you if we process your personal data. Access: You can ask us to provide information about the personal data we have included in our files and the purposes for which they have been collected. Rectification: You can request that we modify your personal data when they are inaccurate and complete those that are incomplete. Deletion: You can request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, you withdraw your consent, and the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Objection: You can request that your personal data not be processed. Right to Limitation: You can request the limitation of the processing of your data when one of the following conditions is met: a) The data subject disputes the accuracy of the personal data, while verifying their accuracy. b) The processing is unlawful, and the data subject opposes the deletion of personal data and requests the limitation of its use instead. c) The data controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but the data subject needs them for the formulation, exercise, or defense of claims. d) The data subject has objected to the processing while verifying whether the legitimate grounds of the controller prevail over those of the data subject. Right to Portability: You have the right to receive the data you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, provided that it is automated, as well as to have it transmitted to another controller. MINORS AND INCAPACITATED INDIVIDUALS: In the case of individuals under 14 years of age or incapacitated, the consent for the processing of personal data must be given by the father, mother, or legal guardian of the minor or incapacitated individual. SECURITY MEASURES: In accordance with current legislation, Paco Gramaje Studio undertakes to implement the technical and organizational measures that are necessary at all times to ensure the security of your data and prevent its alteration, loss, or unauthorized processing. POLÍTICA DE COOKIES:
Paco Gramaje Studio uses cookies that will be stored on your computer. Cookies are small files that your computer sends to ours, but they do not provide us with information about your name or any of your personal data. The cookies we use cannot read data from your computer or read the cookies that exist on your computer. When the user is browsing our website, the server where it is hosted automatically recognizes the IP address of your computer, the day and time the visit begins, when the visit ends, as well as information about the different sections consulted. It is necessary for the server to know this data to be able to communicate and send the requested information, which can be viewed on the screen through the browser. Therefore, it is necessary to have cookies enabled in your browser to make use of certain services on the website. If you wish, you can configure your browser to notify you on the screen if you are going to receive a cookie. The user can configure their computer not to receive these cookies, but this will prevent the use of certain services on the website.